Help Us Tackle Poverty Two Generations a Time

You can help our scholars and their families achieve their dreams. Parenting students make up 20% of those in higher education, yet many colleges and universities lack the resources these determined individuals need to succeed—resources readily available to non-parenting students.

Since 2016, Raise The Barr has been empowering single-parent families to thrive through education, unlocking brighter futures for generations.

All donations are tax-deductible. RTB is proud that .86 cents of every dollar raised goes to programming supporting single-parent students and their families.

To make gifts of stock or cryptocurrency, or contribute through your Donor Advised Fund or IRA, contact us here.

Donation FAQ

  • Imagine changing the trajectory of not just one life, but that of an entire family! A donation to Raise The Barr invests in single parents in college, as well as their children, creating a ripple effect that transforms generations. Together, let's raise the bar for education, opportunity, and a brighter tomorrow. Your donation matters—every contribution changes lives.

  • Your donation will go directly to programming for cohort members and their families! Donations support our programming across our three cohorts, emergency grants, and systems change work. Learn more.

  • Yes, your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our tax ID is #81-1234771