Program Overview

Empowering single parents to pursue a career and earn a family-sustaining wage

Scholarship Cohort & Housing

Scholarship Cohort · Stable Housing Cohort · The Huddle

We have three primary ways for single parents across CA and MN to participate in our programming based on their varying needs—our scholarship cohort, stable housing cohort, and The Huddle. Through participation in one of these three programs, scholars will receive one-on-one coaching, as well as attending monthly development workshops. All of these programs are year-long commitments, and applications open each summer.

Emergency Grants

We provide emergency grant funding of up to $1,000 to help stabilize single-parent students in MN and CA who have experienced an unforeseen financial need. These grants, available to applicants in and out of our cohorts described above, assist with unexpected expenses such as car repairs, dental emergencies, or replacement of stolen devices, which can strain a student’s finances and jeopardize their education. Our dedicated social worker guides the application process and assesses the students’ needs, ensuring timely and effective support.

Systems Change

MN Student-Parent Alliance · LA Advocacy

Our systems change work is in direct alignment with our commitment to racial and gender equity in higher education, which creates increased opportunity for economic mobility for historically marginalized communities. RTB engages in policy and advocacy work at the state level in Minnesota with the Office of Higher Education. We are in the pre-planning stages of policy work in the state of California.

“It's really hard to stay positive and keep an upbeat mood when so much has changed in our lives. We have to try to make the best of it. I am appreciative to have the RTB as support. You definitely make a difference!”

-Elecia, MN

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